BRYTER in 30 Minutes

Kickstart your BRYTER building journey in just 30 minutes:

  • In 5 minutes, you will gain a solid understanding of the essential basics to kickstart your building journey. We've condensed this into a brief demo for your convenience.

  • In 15 minutes, you will have built your very first application that decides based on end user inputs.

  • In 30 minutes, you will have extended and elevated your application. You will know how to prompt end users for any type of input and how to use that input to execute tasks in the background, such as sending emails.
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What's included?

   1 interactive demo

   2 exercises

   1 certificate

Kickstart your BRYTER building journey in 30 mins

BRYTER in 30 Minutes

Curated lessons designed to be engaging and interactive, helping authors to retain and apply what they have learned. As they complete each lesson, they will have the opportunity to practice using the tool in a safe, low-stakes environment, which will help to reinforce their learning.

Course contents